JAN - FEB 2016: Lighting with flash continued

December 31, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Understanding Light Part 3 - Using Flash Continued:

1. Flash -continued

Aperture - controls flash exposure of the subject
Shutter Speed - controls the ambient light (background).
So, in manual mode on the camera, by dragging the shutter - reducing the shutter speed (ie duration) - you will bring in more ambient light to the background while choosing an appropriate aperture, flash will control the exposure of your subject.
To drag the shutter, choose a shutter speed slightly under the sync speed (typical SS is 1/125,
1/60th or even 1/30th).

2. Camera Max Sync Speed - Do not exceed your camera's max synchronization speed - usually around 1/250th. In manual, usually choose 1/125th as a start.

Spring MorningSpring MorningPink tulip with dew against green grass.

3. Watch your background - Look for simple non distracting background. Move your subject if need be. Avoid patterns and high contrast. Keep your subject far away from the background (8-10 feet if possible) to soften the background. For portraits, back, off-white or neutral tones (mid grey) are often used so not to clash with skin tones, hair coloring or clothing.

_small child in cowgirl clothes against a barn door_small child in cowgirl clothes against a barn doorsmall child in cowgirl clothes against a barn door.

4. Hi Key - overexposed white background
Low Key - dark tones with black background.
Need to light a white background to be white. If not, it will be grey to black.

Dahlia TrioDahlia Trio3 Lavender-Pink dahlia with soft glow on white background

Sunny DaySunny DaySunflowers against black with textured old film overlay. Make it your New Year's resolution to use available light - any light that is available - from daylight, lamp or flashlight to pop up flash or stand alone flash units!


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